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French Toast with Greek Yoghurt & Honey

We are lucky enough to have the lovely Lilly Higgin's as a constant visitor to our Market stall, so I decided to ask her for a recipe for our delicious Brioche.

French Toast with Greek yogurt and honey

Serves 4

3 eggs, 240ml milk, 8 thick slices of brioche, 60g butter, Honey & Greek Yogurt to serve

Whisk the eggs and milk in a wide, shallow bowl. Soak the bread in the egg mixture 1 slice at a time, shaking off any excess. Melt half the butter in a wide frying pan over[1] a medium to high heat[2] . Add 3 or 4 slices of the soaked bread in a single layer. Cook until golden brown on both sides. Cook the remaining bread in batches, adding more butter as needed. Keep the cooked slices warm in the oven. Serve with the yogurt and a drizzle of honey.


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